What you need to know before you quit.

As the second wave of the “Great Resignation” continues, more people than ever are jumping ship from their current jobs with the hopes of finding something better. However, a wistful leap of faith is doomed to result in disappointment if you don’t look before jumping. You could find yourself in the same or worse situation at your next job and end up quitting that job too, becoming one of those dreaded job-jumpers.

Before sending in your two-week notice, take some time to make sure your next job is right for you, not just the first job that comes along. Here’s what you need to know before you quit:

  1. What is the reason you need a new job? Is it your role, your boss, or the organization? This will help you know if you should be looking for a similar role at a different company or a different career altogether.

  2. What do you particularly hate about your current job? Is it the way they talk to you, the mundane work, the goal of the company, or something else? The things that bother us most often indicate our core values. At the very least, your job can’t violate one of your core values; at best, it should uphold and share those values with you. For example, you may have a core value of excellence and hard work, but your current role has you surrounded by people doing the bare minimum and raises are slim to none. In your next job, you want to be surrounded by other high-achievers and be at a company that recognizes and rewards hard work!

  3. What do you love about your current job? This gives you more ideas about what you should be looking for next. This could include the type of work you do or the type of team you’re on and should be a part of the next job you get.

  4. How much money do you need to live comfortably? Answering this honestly is important because an inordinate desire for money can limit your job options. When people get burnt out, they often use money as a scapegoat and start looking anywhere and everywhere for a higher-paying job. Yet, burnout isn’t usually caused by a money problem… and if you solve the wrong problem you get the wrong solution. (Check out my other article about pay here.) Know how much you need to live well, but don’t limit yourself only to the highest-paying jobs. Remember, “compensation” is more than just pay, it includes other benefits like time off, growth opportunities, joy in your job, and peace of mind!

  5. What are your big goals in life? Think 10-20 years down the road… what do you want your life to look like? Considering the big picture rather than the short-term relief from a bad job will help you make your next move work towards those bigger goals. You want your next job to be a stepping stone towards your aspirational career and life picture. 

Finally, ask yourself, "Is it time for me to quit RIGHT NOW?" Before you quit, you need to either have a job lined up OR have 6-12 months of your living expenses saved up.

So, before jumping on the first lifeboat that floats by, take the time to consider and wait to board the right ship. Working with a coach can be helpful when trying to make a good decision and get out of a stressful job situation. Check out my coaching programs or schedule a free consultation and start this process so your next job isn’t wrong too!


How do you make decisions?